Benefits of the First Call Resolution Process
- You retain control of financial, time, emotional and social costs of resolving conflict
- Prevent Conflict from escalating exponentially as it feeds on fear and defensiveness of adversarial attitudes.
- Provides an incentive to work collaboratively and advocate smart processes.
- Financial cap to ensure that costs do not outweigh benefits.
- Parties’ own capacities can be drawn on as part of the process.
- Better ownership of the process.
- Prevents professionals advocating methods that benefit them or that are within their scope of expertise but not necessarily appropriate for the client.
- Independent support can be used to de-escalate conflict preventing rampant emotions derailing the process.
- Mutual benefits and savings to all involved in the appropriate use of resolution processes.
- Private, government and not-for-profit services can be used to increase effectiveness and reduce costs.
- Peripheral issues can be eliminated, resulting in better returns on specialist and legal input.
- Expensive expertise can be matched to situations making their contributions more effective.
- Flexibility to include different interests and interests that are valued differently.
- Energy to counter overwhelm leads to better health and shorter recovery times.
- Emphases on self-responsibility and building capacity to manage changed circumstances.
- Compassion through self-understanding and understanding of others.
- Opportunities to anchor new attitudes.
- Support to live a continually resolving life.